Data protection obligation information

I. Introduction

We, Swiss Eye International GmbH, Nord West-Ring 14, 32832 Augustdorf, e-mail: as the data controller would like to explain to you below what data we process from you and how.

II. data protection officer

If you have any questions regarding data protection, please contact our data protection officer Mr. Thomas Werning.

He can be reached at: GmbH – Dieselstraße 12 – 32791 Lage,

e-mail:, phone: +49 5232 980-4700

With this data protection obligation information, we, as the responsible body, fulfill our obligation to inform according to Art. 12-14 DSGVO.

III. Information on data collection and processing

Below you will find information on which personal data (this is all data that identifies or makes identifiable you as a natural person (hereinafter “data subject”)) may be collected.

These are, for example:

  • Customer master data for contract execution/fulfillment of the service, name, address, e-mail address, data in connection with payment processing, correspondence (e.g., written correspondence or e-mail correspondence with you), advertising and sales data (e.g., to inform you about new potentially interesting offers by mail or, if you have given your consent, also by e-mail)
  • contact data such as name, telephone number, e-mail address
  • Supplier data such as name, telephone number, e-mail address
  • Employee data such as name, address, bank data, religious affiliation,
  • personnel number, social security number, log data arising from the use of IT systems, as well as other and special categories of personal data
  • Applicant data such as name, address, e-mail address, marital status, religious affiliation
  • Data due to video surveillance

IV. Right of appeal

If you are of the opinion that the processing of personal data concerning you violates the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority responsible for us, the State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information of North Rhine-Westphalia,, as well as with any other data protection supervisory authority.

V. Purposes of the processing

1.      customer data/interested parties

Purpose of processing

We process data that we receive in the course of handling our business relationship with you. We receive the data directly from you. Either in the case of prospective customer and contact inquiries, the placing of orders or order processing (see item “Information on data collection and processing”).

Legal basis:

The collection and processing of data is necessary for the performance of the contract and is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) DSGVO. The use for direct advertising is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) DSGVO. It is our legitimate interest to draw your attention to special offers by means of direct advertising. The data will not be passed on to third parties unless required by law, such as to the tax office within the framework of tax laws. The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer required for the purpose of their processing or after expiry of the statutory retention periods (such as accounting records relevant under tax and commercial law: 10 years; commercial and business letters: 6 years; records of suppliers, type, quantity, purchase, delivery: 3 years).

You have the right to object to the use of your data for the purpose of direct marketing at any time. In addition, you have the right to request information about the data we have stored about you and to request that the data be corrected if it is incorrect or deleted if it has been stored inappropriately. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (see point Right of complaint).Dauer der Speicherung von Daten

Nach Erbringung der vertraglich geschuldeten Leistung werden Ihre personenbezogenen Daten- zum Zweck der gesetzlichen Gewährleistung für 2 Jahre – zur Erfüllung der Garantiebedingungen für 5 Jahre – zum Zweck der (im Zeitpunkt des Vertragsschlusses oder zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt gewünschten) Durchführung von Folgeaufträgen für 5 Jahre und – für steuerrechtliche Zwecke 10 Jahre gespeichert.

Deletion of data

Your personal data will be deleted at the latest after the expiry of the aforementioned periods.

2.      suppliers

Purpose of processing

We process data that we receive in the course of handling our business relationship with you. We receive the data directly from you when placing an order or processing an order (see item “Information on data collection and processing”).

Legal basis:

The data collection and data processing is necessary for the execution of the contract and is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) DSGVO. The data will not be passed on to third parties unless required by law, e.g. within the framework of tax laws to the tax office. The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer required for the purpose of their processing or after expiry of the statutory retention periods (such as accounting records relevant under tax and commercial law: 10 years; commercial and business letters: 6 years; records of suppliers, type, quantity, purchase, delivery: 3 years).

You are entitled to request information about the data we have stored about you and, if the data is incorrect, to demand that it be corrected or, in the case of unauthorized data storage, that it be deleted. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (see point Right of complaint).

3.      employee data

See separate template to be given to employees.


4.      raffles

Purpose of processing

Sweepstakes on social media such as Facebook or Instagram. By participating in the respective sweepstakes, these conditions of participation are accepted. The sweepstakes is not connected to Facebook or Instagram, it is neither sponsored, supported nor organized by Facebook or Instagram. Eligible to participate in the sweepstakes are all who are 18 years of age or older and reside in Germany. Employees of Swiss Eye International GmbH and affiliated companies as well as relatives of such employees and their relatives are excluded. Participation with fake identities or with identities of third parties is not permitted.

After the end of the respective competition, the delivery addresses of the winners will be requested by DM (direct message) via Facebook or Instagram. The addresses will then be listed in the order confirmation and delivery bill for the purpose of sending the prize. In the DM, these data are listed in order to maintain the course of communication.

Legal basis: This is done on the basis of consent of the recipients according to Art. 6 (1) a) DSGVO.

Due to the ECJ preliminary ruling, we are jointly responsible with Facebook for the collection, processing and use of personal data of participants. We cannot give any guarantees or responsibilities about the use of your data by Facebook. You can learn more at

You are entitled to request information about the data we have stored about you and, if the data is incorrect, to request that it be corrected or, in the case of unauthorized data storage, that it be deleted. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (see “Right to lodge a complaint”).

5.      applicant

Purpose of processing

Applications online, by e-mail or by post: if you apply to us on the basis of a job advertisement, we will collect your personal data such as first name, surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address, attachments (cover letter, CV, certificates, photo) and store them for the duration of the selection procedure.

Online: By checking the box and submitting the form, you expressly agree that we may collect, process and use the data you provide to us, in particular sensitive information about mental and physical health, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, memberships in a trade union or political party or sexual life, for the purpose of the application.

Your data will be used exclusively by authorized persons in the HR department or management for processing within the framework of the selection procedure. Your personal data will not be passed on to third parties.

If the specific position for which you are applying has already been awarded to someone else, but your profile makes you suitable for a later position or for working in a partner or subsidiary company, we will obtain your express consent before storing or forwarding your application any further, unless you have already consented to such storage or forwarding in your application.

If you send us an unsolicited application using our general contact e-mail address, the content of your application e-mail may be viewed by unauthorized personnel. There is a requirement that the application documents are forwarded unopened immediately to the personnel department and the incoming e-mail is deleted. If you would like to exclude this, please contact us by telephone before submitting your unsolicited application so that we can provide you with the contact details of the correct contact person.

The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) DSGVO, for the processing of pre-contractual measures.

Unless you inform us otherwise, the data will be deleted 6 months after completion of the application process or destroyed in the case of postal applications. Due to the long application and selection periods for trainees, we store their data in Germany for up to 18 months.

You have the following rights, provided that the relevant legal requirements are met: the right to information about your data stored by us; correction, deletion, restriction of the processing of your data or objection to the processing, and data portability. Furthermore, you naturally have the option at any time to request the deletion or destruction of all your application documents by sending us an e-mail to: bewerbung[at]

6.      Facebook Fanpage & Instagram

Please follow the to our privacy policy on our website.

7.      server data collection

Please follow the to our privacy policy on our website.

8.      video monitoring


If you have any questions, please contact our data protection officer at

VI. Intention to process in third countries

In particular, if the intention is to process personal data in a third country, information must be provided on the existence or absence of an adequacy decision by the Commission. In the absence of such an adequacy decision, the website operator must describe, for example, which adequate and appropriate safeguards (especially of a technical organizational nature) are provided for the data transfer. He must offer the possibility of obtaining a copy of the explanations of these safeguards. Further details can be found in Art. 13(1)(f) GDPR. The described processing reference to a third country will be given in particular if the chosen service provider has its registered office in a third country, the service provider collects the data or stores the data collected via the website on its own servers and can access it or uses servers of a third party and can access the usage data in the process.

VII. Recipient categories

In the course of providing the service, we use service companies separately committed to confidentiality and data protection for special areas, where access to personal data cannot be excluded.

These categories of recipients are:

  • Order processors used by us (Art. 28 DSGVO), in particular in the area of IT services, taxes, logistics and printing services, who process your data for us in accordance with instructions.
  • Public bodies and institutions (tax authorities) in the event of a legal or official obligation.
  • Other bodies for which you have given us your consent to the transfer of data.

Data will only be passed on to authorities in the event of overriding legal requirements.

VIII. Advertising and right to object

The collection of name, first name and address are also for advertising purposes (sending offers, information about additional services). The processing for advertising purposes can be objected to at any time without giving reasons under the following contacts:

Nord West-Ring 14
32832 Augustdorf


 IX. Objection to data storage

With the data processing for the purpose of (at the time of the conclusion of the contract or at a later time desired) execution of follow-up orders for five years, legitimate business interests are pursued from a data protection perspective. You can object to this processing at any time using the following contact details

Nord West-Ring 14
32832 Augustdorf


 X. Obligation to provide

Without correct information from you, it is usually not possible to conclude a contract.

  XII. Data subject rights

According to Art. 15 DSGVO, you have the right to receive information about the data stored about you, including any recipients and the planned storage period. If incorrect personal data is processed, you have the right to rectification in accordance with Art. 16 DSGVO. If the legal requirements are met, you may request the deletion or restriction of processing as well as object to processing (Art. 17, 18 and 21 DSGVO).

If you wish data to be deleted but we are still legally obliged to retain it, access to your data will be restricted (blocked). The same applies in the event of an objection. You can exercise your right to data portability insofar as the technical possibilities are available to the recipient and to us.

Our data protection officer at will be happy to assist you with your data protection rights.

XIII. Actuality and change of this mandatory information

We reserve the right to adapt the content of this mandatory information at any time. This is usually done in the event of further development or legal adjustments. You can access the current mandatory information via a link (which is inserted in e-mails, offers, order confirmations, invoices, etc.) to our website.

Status of this declaration: 27th June 2023

You can find further information on the handling of personal data under